Finishing touches

Photo prompt by C.E. Ayr

Finishing touches

Sharon stood back to get a better perspective. Yes, she’d enhanced the photo a little – added a warmer tint, erased some surface cracks, but surely any interested party would be willing to look beyond the tired exterior. The framework was sturdy; just creaked a little when the weather changed.

Nevertheless, Sharon decided she had time for a few cosmetic touches – a blush of terra cotta, some sky blue highlights – subtle, nothing garish.

He’d be here at 5pm. Sharon poured two drinks, re-checked her makeup and studied his photo again. So handsome – she just knew this was the one.


Another hundred word story for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

37 thoughts on “Finishing touches

    • She might have been an estate agent – she sure has the lingo. Let’s hope her blind date is a bit more truthful than she is, although I’m guessing he’s in for a shock when he meets Sharon. Thanks, Ali.

      Liked by 1 person

    • So glad you were amused, Suzanne. Yes – it’s a bit more tricky to smooth out the cracks in the real thing, let alone the creaky frame. Thank you for your kind comment.


  1. You really have to be careful with clients in real estate… 😉 No, seriously, this was clever and touching. I’d like to read a sequel. I’m sure his picture went through a few filters as well.


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